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Make a Donation

Thank you for considering a gift to Riverside Education Centers. Your donation is an effective way of investing in today's children who are tomorrow's leaders.

Riverside Education Centers is a tax exempt 501(c)3 and all contributions are tax deductible.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Es este impuesto sobre donaciones deducible? Riverside Education Centers es una organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)3. RUT 20-5451495. Hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024, todas las donaciones monetarias a REC son elegibles para un crédito fiscal estatal de Colorado del 29 %. Este es un crédito no reembolsable que puede transferirse por hasta cinco años y aplicarse a cualquier obligación tributaria estatal que pueda tener durante este período. Las donaciones que califiquen recibirán un formulario DR-1317 de REC. Conserve el formulario y entrégueselo a su preparador de impuestos cuando complete su declaración anual de impuestos. Tenga en cuenta que debe consultar a su propio asesor fiscal para determinar los beneficios fiscales específicos, incluidas las deducciones y los créditos fiscales que su donación puede proporcionar.

Why is there a processing fee? Credit card processors take a cut of each transaction. The processing fee is 2.9% + .30 cents per transaction. You have the option to cover these fees so 100% of your gift can go to REC. If you don't want to cover the fees you can click on the edit button next to fees and uncheck 'I want to cover fees.'

By Mail

Check donations can be mailed to:


Riverside Education Centers

PO Box 4367, Grand Junction, CO 81502

Recurring Giving 

The Afterschool Allies Club is a recurring giving club that makes a huge difference in the lives of Mesa County students. 

Afterschool Ally Club (4).png

You can easily designate your charitable contribution to REC through the Colorado Combined Campaign and United Way. Please check with your employer to see if they may have a matching gift program that could double your giving impact.

Workplace Giving

Help REC with day-to-day items by donating items from wish lists.

Donate from REC's Wish list

Additional Giving Options

REC can also accept IRA Charitable Rollovers, also known as Qualified Charitable Distributions. These donations have a tax benefit for donors aged 70 ½ or older. IRA rules allow donors to contribute directly from an IRA account to REC without paying taxes on the distribution. 


To gift an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution, please contact your financial advisor.

IRA Charitable Rollovers

2x Match  Double your end of year donation!

Every donation made between now and June 30th will be doubled, courtesy of JRM Charitable Fund!

City Market

Every time you use your City Market rewards card, Riverside Education Centers qualifies to earn a portion of the $2.5 million City Market has set aside for charitable organizations.  Register your card and use your grocery dollars to support Riverside Education Centers


REC can accept gifts of appreciated stock. A gift of appreciated stock made directly to REC can have significant tax benefits for donors, as it allows the donor to avoid paying the capital gains tax on the sale of the stock. To learn more, email Landen by clicking the button below.

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